Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm Up....Waaaay Early....Work Stress I Think

I've decided to "plant" a question before the rambling that I wrote about why I can't sleep....Is anyone signed up to run the Houston Marathon in January? If so maybe we could somehow hook up before or after the race....I am going to have to check but I think we are staying at the Doubletree near the finish line the night before the race....

And this hasn't happened to me in months....maybe over a year. I woke up from a good sleep at 2:05 AM, did the bathroom thing and as soon as I lay back down my mind is racing about issues at work, things that I don't have alot of control over but are still upsetting. In the past I've not had a blog to even consider using as a sounding board, so maybe this will help work things out, but I don't know that sleep is in the picture for the rest of this morning. Luckily Friday is officially a rest day for me, unless I run again with Bonnie tonight, but I do 17+ tomorrow morning so I think I will opt to not run tonight.

Work, I'm really reluctant to unload here since this is a running blog and not a psychiatric couch, but I don't want work stress to start impacting my running either. I work for an oil and gas mid-stream company, which means we take oil and gas from the folks that produce it from the ground, clean it up in various forms and then some product is considered to be saleable and is passed on to those that market it to end users, while other products find their way to the bigger refineries in the US for final processing before sales. Anyway, one would think that we make alot of money with the price of gas at the pump and heating oil and such.....well we are, but the powers to be seem to think that we are capable of making more. Anyway, we are going through budget issues and that along with other issues are creating morale issues across the company and that leads to problems with employee safety...which is my main interest, and no one seems to be willing to admit that the overall company attitude may be affecting employee morale which takes a heavy toll of people's focus, thus allowing their guard to slip when it comes to safety.

Anyway, I'm rambling and I didn't want to do that. I have written this and refuse to delete it, so I'm awake, not feeling alot better for having written it, but shall see what happens in the short term.....


TX Runner Mom said...

Ugh, I hate it when work invades my thoughts when I should be sleeping! I hope things get better at is a huge issue in the industry I work in as well.

Marcy said...

((((HUGS)))) Randy!! It's YOUR blog and you can post what you want ;D I hope things all get straighten out/ you can de stress your work situation.

Jess said...

I think June and Margo are running Houston. If you don't already read them, check out their links on my blog.

J~Mom said...

Randy, I am sorry you are having that going on at work. This is a great spot to vent anytime you need to. We want to hear about anything you want to tell us about. ((((HUGS)))