Friday, July 27, 2007

Midnight Streak (5k) in OKC

Tonight Bonnie and I will be streaking in OKC at the Fair we won't be running in the buff. It's a Midnight Streak that benefits the City Arts Center. How it got it's name is something we don't know. It starts at 11:00 PM so the temperature should be hovering around 80 degrees or so, it's 82 currently at 9:15 pm.

When I was in college at Texas A&M back in the dark ages of the '70s there was actually a streaking team on campus. "They"...notice I did not say "we"... prided themselves in always being able to elude the campus cops, which didn't really take alot of effort in those days. They would even announce a streaking event...almost to give the cops a headstart but the streakers always seem to have "more skin in the game" and could out run the best that the cops could throw at them.

At this point I'm not sure if we will be doing our long run (14 or so miles) tomorrow or Sunday morning. As a result Bonnie has agreed that as soon as we are done with the 5k we aren't hanging around for any door prize giveaway (unless they are really cool) instead we are heading straight home to bed just in case I need to get up and be ready leave by 4:15 AM. No rest for the weary it seems.....but maybe we won't run until Sunday morning.

It feels really cool to know that I don't even have 10 miles left to break the century mark for the first time ever for a months total mileage. That just seems cool. Yes I'm kind of proud of that mark.

SHOE UPDATE: I've run twice in the Brooks Dyad 4's and they seem to be doing ok. I'm going to wear them tonight and see how I do in them. I'm going to go back to my tried and true NB's when we run long this weekend. Next weekend if all goes well I will do a long run in the new shoes.


Unknown said...

Have a great time "streaking" !!

Nikki said...

woohooo!! i knew it! Bonnie is the wild one ;)

I would have loved to seen the streaking club back then, actually I would have liked to see a cop catch someone, where they would grab and well how akward the cops would have been tackling a bunch of nekked men!

Good luck with the cool door prizes !

Marcy said...

Good Lord Randy I can never keep track of you. From now on when Friday comes along and I do my "Good Lucks" to everyone who has a race, I''m just automatically putting you in there because you're bound to have one hehe. You've probably ran more races then I ever will in my lifetime.

Congrats on the 90 miles this month! I'm sure you'll make your way past 100 ;D

Darrell said...

Nobody sneaks in a streak?