Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rest Day

Well today will be a day of rest. I'm curious does anyone have any tried and true remedies for toe blisters? I would appreciate any advice. I've taken a needle under the skin outside of the blister and drained the fluid from both of them. I also got a new orthotic yesterday that seems to take the pressure off my toes and as a result the blisters aren't too painful now. The area on my heel is doing ok, I still have it covered with neosporin and a large bandaid. If I HAD to run today I believe I could and I'm supposed to run 4-5 miles tomorrow morning, so I'll see how things go in getting that accomplished.

Why is it that when we get one pain going our way (shin splints in my case) something else pops up (blisters). The blisters are totally new to me. I wore my older New Balance shoes on Saturday for our long run (14 miles), same shoes I ran my half marathon (13.2 miles) in back in April. In April though I did not experience any issues with blisters...I don't remember any that is. Frustrated.

This is a photo of some flowering plant that I took when my brother and I went to Vail, CO in June for the mud run. It's amazing how heart-shaped the blooms are on the plant, sorry I didn't get a photo that was more focused. Does anyone know what this is called?


Unknown said...

Good morning Randy!! ;D

BodyGlide on the toes! That's what I've been doing. I had the same prob too, although not as bad. Either that or maybe changing up your socks (Scott had a good brand of antiblistering socks . . .uhhhh I can't remember the name. I think it started with an "I". I'll have to get back to you on the name LOL)

Yes you can be on the left side, I'm a lefty too so it will be easy to remember you being the left foot :P

ws said...

I've been trying to publish a post for a while - your cool picture must be holding up blogger. In the past I've drained some blisters and then waited for them to form into callouses...

I have drifting pain too. Usually it starts higher on my leg (hips, hamstring, groin) and then moves down to my feet until it goes it away. (hopefully.)

Enjoy your rest day.

Backofpack said...

I think the flowers might be "bleeding hearts". But I'm not a gardener so I'm not sure.

I guess you started reading my blog after all my blister challenges - which haven't gone away, but aren't so bad right now. The difference between now and April is the heat and humidity. Your feet are probably swollen. My current solution is hydropel and injinji socks. Not a total fix but it'll do.

Unknown said...

I have no idea what that plant is, but I like it! Very cool!!

Nikki said...

Ugh BListers!! Can't even imagine. I used to be a weird teenager that loved to get them so I could drain them over and over and over...but het that was the 80's and we wore no back shoes too.

Putting kicks on must royally suck!
Hope they heal fast!

Nice new pic! Still yellow..love it :D

ITs a bleading heart, backofpack is correct :) I can't grow those, but would love too. I have very little shade in my yard.

Marcy said...

Yes, yes, yes bleeding hearts! We have white ones in the yard, they're very pretty :-)

Thanks Nik for that info, no wonder mine aren't growing too well, I guess they need a bit more sun LOL

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

The blisters feel better today. I drained them last night, plus getting a new set of orthotics seems to have taken alot of pressure off my toes. Our local pedorthist recommended them and as soon as he inserted them in my shoes I could feel the difference.

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

I've got to find a photo of me in something besides yellow...good grief...it's no where near my favorite color....

Jess said...

It's Morning Glory. I grew up in CO and that's what we called them. Perhaps it's the same as Bleeding Hearts -- just a different variety.

And yeah, as Marcy already said, Body Glide is the answer.

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

I've used BodyGlide in other places, but hadn't thought about it for my toes.

TX Runner Mom said...

I agree, try bodyglide! Pretty plant, I've never seen one like it.